Is car insurance comparison necessary?

Is car insurance comparison necessary?

Is car insurance comparison necessary?While it may seem tempting just to renew your car insurance policy with the same insurance provider every year, it’s not always the best decision . You might be missing out on a better deal or a more reliable insurance company. No...
Essential Car Maintenance Tips

Essential Car Maintenance Tips

How often do you take your car to get serviced? Probably quite regularly. You want it to run well and last as long as possible (and who wouldn’t).It’s surprising how many people neglect their car or don’t know the right way to look after it.Here are...
4 signs your car needs a little TLC

4 signs your car needs a little TLC

April is Car Care Month, and as your thoughts turn to summer adventures and road trips, it’s important to make sure your vehicle is safe to drive. Here are a few signs that your car could use a tune-up.3. You notice strange smellsIf you notice an unusual odor, it may...
5 Warning Signs of Worn Brakes

5 Warning Signs of Worn Brakes

When it comes to car usage and maintenance, car brakes are an important part that must not be neglected. Driving around with bad brakes can be very hazardous, leading to brake failures and ultimately, accidents. Hence regular brake servicing and sometimes, replacement...
Essential Classic Car Maintenance Tips

Essential Classic Car Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is an important part of caring for any vehicle. It is particularly essential, however, when talking about classic cars. To ensure that you are keeping up with your car’s maintenance requirements, read the owner’s manual. For even better results,...
Why is there a screeching noise and what to do?

Why is there a screeching noise and what to do?

If your car makes a squealing noise when you brake, you may think that you have faulty brakes. Or is it really so? Drum brakes are a brake system with brake drums (rotor) which rotate with the wheels. On average, rear drum brakes last pretty long, sometimes up to...